
Free Conferences

NRBFC conferences are held in a fellowshipping church every April and October. These conferences include Bible preaching, music, and warm fellowship.

Join the NRBFC

Any Baptist church located in the Northeast (region) wishing to affiliate with the Northeast Regular Baptist Fellowship may do so in the following manner.

1.  Act within the local church subscribing to the Constitution and Confession of Faith of the Fellowship. 

2.  Give notice by the clerk of the church to the secretary of the Fellowship of the church’s desire.  This notice must be in writing and should include evidence that the church has subscribed to the Constitution and Confession of Faith of the Fellowship and that the church is “not in fellowship or cooperation with any national or local convention, association or group which permits the presence of modernists or modernism.” 

3.  Upon recommendation of the Council of Seven of the Fellowship, applications from churches to affiliate with the Fellowship are acted upon at the annual meeting of the Fellowship. 

The Northeast Regular Baptist Fellowship of Churches in no way seeks to dictate to the local churches.
It is a fellowship of churches and has no desire to enter into the unscriptural system of an ecclesiastical hierarchy.